Low concentration tea tree oil solutions are effective against parasites resistant to a wide range of antiseptic solutions, while respecting the periocular skin.
Blepharitis is one of the most common diseases affecting the eyelids. It usually causes vision problems and manifests symptoms such as itching, irritation, excessive tearing, burning, foreign body sensation, recurrent sties, blurred vision or dryness. Some of these symptoms may be aggravated after having been in front of the computer or reading for a few hours or when the patient has been exposed to cold, wind, heating or pollution.
Among the main causes we can highlight, for example, discomfort due to bacteria or fungus in the eyelids, parasites in the eyelashes (Demodex), dry eye or obstruction of the Meibomian glands.
Proper eyelid hygiene is essential for the prevention of blepharitis. The use of ophthalmic wipes specifically designed for the treatment of this pathology is the first step recommended by ophthalmologists. However, in cases of demodex infection, solutions with low concentrations of tea tree oil can be prescribed.
Several studies support the application of this natural substance extracted from Melaleuca alternifolia for its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic effects. Specifically, in ophthalmology, they indicate its effectiveness against Demodex Folliculorum.
The application of tea tree oil is an effective solution against blepharitis. Tea tree oil is effective against inflammation and eliminates the bacteria that are proliferating in the patient's eyelashes causing the pathology to worsen and causing the obstruction of the Meibomian glands.
Tea tree oil should be applied in a low concentration so as not to be counterproductive and cause irritation of the eyelid area where it is applied. The eyelids are one of the most sensitive areas of the skin, so it is important to protect them by using adequate amounts to be effective against blepharitis without harming the skin and avoiding eye irritation.
Tea tree oil is a natural product that is one of the most outstanding elements that make up
iVision Eyelid Solution. It has a concentration of 0.1% so that it is effective against eyelash mites and helps to keep the periocular skin in optimal condition while soothing the symptoms of blepharitis. In addition, tea tree oil treatment improves the quality of eyelashes.
On the other hand, the presentation of iVision Palpebral Solution in a 40 ml bottle and a shelf life of 12 months after opening makes it a suitable product for long-lasting treatments or cases of chronic blepharitis.
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