
¿What are the causes of dry eye?

Dry eye syndrome is a pathology that can have its origin in multiple factors and its symptoms can worsen if the patient suffers from other pathologies, according to their routine or due to environmental circumstances.

Normally, this disease manifests itself more frequently in older people and, to be more specific, women are at greater risk of suffering from dry eyes. In this line, specialists have pointed out the correlation between adolescence or menopause and dry eye.

Contact lens wearers also tend to develop this problem, as well as patients who have undergone eye surgery or who use eye drops chronically.

In addition, chronic use of medications such as antidepressants, antihypertensives and antihistamines is a risk factor. Other treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy can also significantly affect the hydration of the ocular surface.

People suffering from ocular pathologies that result in incomplete eyelid closure, infrequent blinking or chronic inflammation of the eye surface may also suffer from dry eyes. As well as patients with autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome, fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis.

Exposure to very polluted, dry or windy environments can affect or worsen dry eye symptoms. In addition, depending on the time of year, the use of air conditioning or heating can aggravate these discomforts. Even a poor diet can lead to a lack of vitamins to generate quality tears.

Prolonged exposure to computer screens or other electronic devices causes a decrease in the frequency of blinking and increases tear evaporation and leads to poorer hydration of the ocular surface. For this reason, experts recommend taking regular breaks to avoid this problem.

What does Farmamix offer?

Dry eye syndrome means poor hydration of the ocular surface. This can cause discomfort of varying degrees of intensity and can have a significant impact on the patient's quality of life.

For this reason, Farmamix offers to complement the hydration of the patient's natural tears with iVision Dry eye drops to achieve, thanks to the unique combination of hyaluronic acid and hypromellose, an adequate lubrication of the ocular surface. Preservative-free and phosphate-free.

We also use vitamin supplements to improve the symptoms of dry eye. Thus, iVision Ocular Surface offers extra nutritional support with the highest concentration of lactoferrin on the market to improve the tear quality of patients' tears.

Buy and receive iVision products directly at home by clicking here: https://shop.farmamix.vision/

FarmaMix Vision "Your point of view".

On sale in pharmacies.


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