
Demodex folliculorum, symptoms and treatment

Demodex folliculorum is a mite that lives in the pores and follicles of the eyelashes and can normally be associated with inflammation and infections. The more mites there are per hair follicle, the more likely it is that one of these problems exists. 

Specialists have found a direct relationship between pathologies such as chalazions, styes, conjunctivitis or chronic blepharitis and Demodex overpopulation. Symptoms related to patients who have complications due to this mite are dry eye, foreign body sensation on the surface or redness and irritation of the eyelid area. In addition, dandruff-like debris can be observed at the base of the eyelashes. 

It has also been observed that the incidence increases with age and that it is more frequent in patients with other pathologies such as HIV, leukemia, seborrheic dermatitis, diabetes, renal insufficiency or rosacea. 
To prevent the appearance of Demodex, ophthalmologists recommend proper eyelid hygiene, once a day in mild cases and in severe cases, cleaning the eyelids morning and night. In this way, the patient will avoid the development of the aforementioned pathologies and the need to resort to more severe treatments. 

Tea Tree oil has also been shown to be effective against Demodex as it not only cleans the base of the eyelashes but also at low concentrations controls the overpopulation of the mite, preventing the formation of more. Not only would it be useful against Demodex, it would also reduce the rest of bacteria present in the area. 

For all these reasons, Farmamix has iVISION PALPEBRAL SOLUTION, a unique oily presentation in the market and specific to fight Demodex folliculorum. Its composition with 0.1% concentrated Tea Tree makes it a specific product for this parasite. It also contains Argan Oil to help restore and nourish the eyelid surface. 

Buy and receive #iVision Palpebral Solution directly at home by clicking here

Farmamix Vision "Your point of view".

For sale in pharmacies.


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