
The role of Vitamin A in the treatment of dry eyes

Vitamin A plays an important role in the vision of patients. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry eyes that can alter the cornea at different levels and could lead to corneal opacification, ulcers or loss of vision.

Maintaining the correct levels of Vitamin A is even more important nowadays due to the routine of spending hours in front of screens, whether it is a computer, cell phone or television. All these habits cause our eyes to dry out and show signs of fatigue. To avoid this, it is important to maintain the Vitamin A values, as it helps the mucous glands of our eyes to function properly, so that the moisture and lubrication of the ocular surface is adequate.

The word used to refer to eye pathologies resulting from Vitamin A deficiency is xerophthalmia. And this Vitamin A deficiency can be treated with vitamin supplements to help the eyes become properly lubricated again.

That is why Farmamix has iVISION OCCULAR SURFACE, a nutritional with a specific formulation for the treatment of dry eye, with the right amount of Vitamin A (400mcg), to contribute to the protection and regeneration of the corneal epithelium.

It is presented in a double capsule to house the composition of nutrients recommended by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The hard capsule contains, among other components, Lactoferrin to promote tear secretion and a powerful antioxidant effect thanks to Vitamin C.

The soft capsule is composed of omega 3 fatty acids (DHA/EPA) with the aim of reducing the expression of inflammatory mediators on the ocular surface and improving the lipid layer of the patient's tears, reducing tear evaporation.

Buy and receive iVision Superfie Ocular directly at home by clicking here

Farmamix Vision "Your point of view".

For sale in pharmacies.


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