
The role of vitamin K for eyelid care

Vitamin K is necessary for the proper functioning of our body. It is essential in the blood coagulation process and is involved in the production of different proteins that form body tissues.

We obtain vitamin K mainly through food. Some of the foods in which it is found in greater quantities are:
  • Green leafy vegetables (collard greens, spinach, broccoli, lettuce).
  • Soybeans
  • Vegetable oils
  • Fruits (kiwi fruit, blueberries, prunes, figs)

The skin is exposed daily to a multitude of internal and external aggressions, such as fatigue, stress, sunlight, make-up, lack of rest, etc.

The effects of these aggressions affect the epidermis of the periocular area (the eye contour) to a greater extent because the skin in this area is thinner and has less collagen and elastin. This results in reduced blood and lymphatic flow, which in turn leads to fluid accumulation, which manifests as bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Vitamin K in the periocular area acts on the blood vessels making them less visible, specifically in the area under the eyelids, helping to reduce dark circles, hyperpigmentation and circulatory imperfections. Thanks to its antioxidant power, it reduces swelling and edema, as well as dark circles and bags.

It is also useful to soothe those irritations, inflammations or bruises that may appear on our skin, for example, after blepharoplasty, dry eye treatments such as intense pulsed light (IPL), aesthetic infiltrations or compression of the Meibomian glands.

Farmamix Vision has therefore launched iVision Relax Mask, a topical mask with vitamin K, designed for intensive care of eyelids, eye contour and eyebrows.

iVision Relax Mask is indicated to reduce eye fatigue and attenuate puffiness, expression lines, congestion and dark circles and bags in the periocular area. Its components (vitamin K, hyaluronic acid, caffeine and green tea, among others) also have a moisturizing, firming, antioxidant and soothing effect.

For correct application, the iVision Relax Mask should be removed from the sachet. Immediately afterwards, it should be placed over closed eyes, making sure that it adheres completely to the skin. Then, leave it to act for about 15 minutes, keeping the eyes closed during the entire application time. 

When the mask is removed, you will be left with traces of the emulsion that impregnates the tissue, which can be spread around the periocular area and massaged until completely absorbed.

Buy and receive iVision Relax Mask directly at home by clicking here:

Farmamix Vision "Your point of view".

For sale in pharmacies.


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