
Dry eye, symptoms and artificial tears

Dry eye syndrome is an ocular pathology arising from an alteration of the patient's tear film. This may be caused by a low quality tear production, known as evaporative dry eye. Or it may be caused by insufficient tear secretion, known as hyposecretory dry eye.

Among the symptoms of this disease, the patient may feel itching, burning or stinging in the eyes. There may also be a sensation of grit in the eyes or a hypersensitivity to light.

In addition, when looking at the eyes to read or view screens, people suffering from this disease may experience discomfort, blurred vision or fatigue.

This disease can also cause pain and inflammation in the patient. The patient may also notice an overproduction of tears, which is the eye's natural response to try to combat ocular dryness and protect the surface of the eye.

In any case, dry eye generates an incorrect hydration and lubrication of the ocular surface. For this reason, specialists recommend supporting the work of the patient's tears with the supplementation provided by artificial tears. The objective is to provide extra hydration that leads to the correct lubrication of the eye surface. For this treatment to be effective, ophthalmologists recommend that the artificial tears contain neither preservatives nor phosphates that may cause irritation to the patient's eye.

This is the case of iVision Dry artificial tears from Farmamix Vision Laboratory. A preservative-free and phosphate-free formulation to protect the patient's eye and hydrate it with a unique combination of hyaluronic acid and hypromellose.

This composition allows an adequate hydration of the ocular surface with a concentration of hyaluronic acid at 0.2%. And thanks to its union with hypromellose, the artificial drop lasts longer in the tear film, maximizing its lubricating effect and soothing dry eye symptoms.

Buy and receive iVision products directly at home by clicking here: https://shop.farmamix.vision/

FarmaMix Vision "Your point of view".

Sold in pharmacies.


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