
Symptoms of age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic degenerative eye disease. It is the leading cause of blindness in people over 50 years of age.

It is common for the first symptoms of this pathology to be difficult for the patient to identify, as they may appear in one eye and the other eye compensates for the loss of vision. Among the most common signs, the patient may notice a loss of visual acuity or the center of the visual field becomes blurred, creating blind spots.

Those affected by this disease may also suffer an alteration in their perception of straight lines, the size of some objects or distorted images. This can lead to errors in the patient's daily activities, such as driving, going up or down stairs, reading, watching television, etc.

If the disease progresses, it can lead to loss of central vision or even blindness, completely altering the person's quality of life. Thus, early detection is of transcendental importance to avoid irreversible damage. For this reason, ophthalmologists recommend that people over 50 years of age should undergo annual check-ups in order to detect any of these symptoms as early as possible.

To prevent the progression of AMD, Farmamix Vision offers iVision Macula. It is the only specific nutritional supplement for the treatment of this pathology with the maximum amounts recommended by studies on this disease.

iVision Macula has a double capsule presentation in order to provide the Vitamin C, Lutein or Zeaxanthin necessary to prevent the progression of age-related macular degeneration.

Buy and receive iVision iVision Macula directly at home by clicking here

FarmaMix Vision "Your point of view".

For sale in pharmacies.


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