
Symptoms and complications of Blepharitis

Blepharitis affects both eyes and causes inflammation of the eyelids.

This pathology appears due to the obstruction of the Meibomian glands, sebaceous glands near the base of the eyelashes. This causes patients to suffer irritation and redness in the eyelid area. Although blepharitis is a pathology that can be chronic, it does not usually cause permanent damage to vision and is not contagious. Several diseases and disorders can cause blepharitis.

Blepharitis may manifest itself through symptoms such as watery eyes; redness of the eyelids; a gritty sensation; stinging or itchy eyes; oily, red, swollen or peeling eyelids; sensitivity to light; or blurred vision.

Types of blepharitis

Depending on the type of blepharitis the patient suffers from, the treatment should be adapted since this pathology could be linked to ocular infections, dry eye syndrome or skin diseases (rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis)

  • Anterior blepharitis 
It is manifested by inflammation of the external part of the palpebral edge, where the eyelashes are born. A bacterial infection or a skin disease may be the trigger for this type of blepharitis. If left untreated, it may cause the eyelid to turn inward or outward

  • Posterior blepharitis 
In this case it affects the inner part of the edge of the eyelid, where it comes into contact with the eye. It is caused by obstruction of the Meibomian glands and may lead to styes or chalazia.
  • Mixed Blepharitis 
In mixed blepharitis, inflammation can be found to varying degrees on both the inner and outer edges of the eyelids. The origin of posterior blepharitis leads to infection and proliferation of bacteria typical of anterior blepharitis.
  • Squamous blepharitis 
It is distinguished by the production of scales adhered to the base of the eyelashes creating dry crusts. It also causes inflammation, reddening of the eyelids and may cause the eyelashes to fall out, which, except in chronic cases, will grow back correctly.
Seborrheic blepharitis 
The accumulation of fat on the palpebral rim causes inflammation of the eyelids. It is usually linked to skin diseases or dermatitis. It also manifests itself through itching and redness of the eye area.


Sometimes blepharitis can lead to other ocular pathologies such as dry eye, sties, chalazion, chronic conjunctivitis or even corneal lesions. With respect to dry eye, the incorrect functioning of the sebaceous glands located in the palpebral edge can cause a deficit in the patient's tears, which means that the patient can also suffer from all the inconveniences related to dry eyes.

A stye is an infection that occurs at the base of the eyelashes generating a lump at the eyelid margin. While a chalazion occurs when there is an obstruction of the Meibomian glands located at the edge of the eyelid. This causes inflammation of the sebaceous gland that generates swelling and redness of the eyelid.

With regard to chronic conjunctivitis, people suffering from blepharitis may suffer from recurrent red eyes and conjunctivitis. Finally, eyelid irritation or abnormal eyelash growth due to blepharitis can cause damage to the cornea.

To avoid these complications, Farmamix Vision offers two products for eyelid hygiene and care: iVision Ophthalmic Wipes and iVision Eyelid Solution. The former offer the necessary hygiene for patients with blepharitis to remove flaking and soothe symptoms. While iVision Palpebral Solution is an effective treatment against this pathology and the recovery of the palpebral surface after having suffered it. 

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