
Application of the iVISION Relax Mask after IPL laser treatments.

Pulsed light laser (IPL) treatment is based on the application of thermal pulses around the eye to stimulate the Meibomian glands in order to reactivate their normal function and thus alleviate the symptoms of diseases such as blepharitis or dry eye.By applying this procedure on the periorbital area and the cheekbone, the Meibomian glands are brought back to provide both the quantity and the quali



Relys®, el primer y único modulador de la superficie ocular

Llega a España y Portugal de la mano de Farmamix Visión el Primer y Único Modulador de la Superficie Ocular Relys® del laboratorio suizo Sildeha.¿Qué es un modulador de la superficie ocular?Expertos europeos en superficie ocular han definido tres categorías para los diferentes sustitutos de las lágrimas1. Los términos propuestos fueron agentes humectantes, sustitutos l



The role of vitamin K for eyelid care

Vitamin K is necessary for the proper functioning of our body. It is essential in the blood coagulation process and is involved in the production of different proteins that form body tissues.We obtain vitamin K mainly through food. Some of the foods in which it is found in greater quantities are:Green leafy vegetables (collard greens, spinach, broccoli, lettuce).SoybeansVegetable oilsFruits (kiwi



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