FarmamixVisión has recently started its internationalization project, through conversations with the main pharmaceutical distribution companies in Western Europe, Latin America and North Africa.
Such is the vital and relevant importance of this project that the R&D (Research and Development) department of FarmamixVisión has been working for a long time to develop five new medical prescription drugs in the ophthalmological field to incorporate into its line of products.
They are expected to be available in early 2020.
FarmamixVisión wishes to develop and market a broad product portfolio for the Ophthalmological-Pharmaceutical sector in order to provide patients with a complete Eye Care solution. We analyse the current therapeutic gaps from an ophthalmological technical perspective, in order to design a customized product that covers these specific niches, and develop innovative solutions that improve the products already available on the market.
Our advanced knowledge of new product development and Ophthalmological market insight, we offer patients a complete Eye Care solution for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases. These patients are generally very demanding with regard to the quality of their vision and are very willing to use self-care products based on an ophthalmological and pharmaceutical prescription.
We offer a wide range of Eye Care products, creating a first line of general treatment based mainly on hygiene, nutrition and eye drops. We develop innovative and highly differentiated products, so that ophthalmologists can find a complete and specific solution to different eye diseases. FarmamixVisión joins the capabilities of the MedicalMix Group through its integration into our company's holding company, with the aim of satisfying therapeutic needs in the field of Eye Care.
FarmamixVisión provides a broad portfolio of differentiated products with high added value, with a view to becoming a reference in Eye Care for professionals in the Ophthalmological-Pharmaceutical sector and for patients.
FarmamixVisión, "Your Point-of-View".
On sale in pharmacies.