
Dry eye, symptoms and artificial tears

Dry eye syndrome is an ocular pathology arising from an alteration of the patient's tear film. This may be caused by a low quality tear production, known as evaporative dry eye. Or it may be caused by insufficient tear secretion, known as hyposecretory dry eye.Among the symptoms of this disease, the patient may feel itching, burning or stinging in the eyes. There may also be a sensation of grit in



What does an artificial tear need to treat dry eye?

Dry Eye Syndrome is a disease that can have its origin in multiple factors and can appear in different ways depending on the patient. Therefore, its treatment requires an individual analysis of each case by the specialist to determine the best approach with greater or lesser intensity.One of the most common tools recommended to patients by ophthalmologists is the use of artificial tears or eye dro



¿What are the causes of dry eye?

Dry eye syndrome is a pathology that can have its origin in multiple factors and its symptoms can worsen if the patient suffers from other pathologies, according to their routine or due to environmental circumstances.Normally, this disease manifests itself more frequently in older people and, to be more specific, women are at greater risk of suffering from dry eyes. In this line, specialists have



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